Dear Accountability Partners

I don’t do well with cluttered spaces.

That’s physical and mental space alike. But, in my line of work, I don’t often have much time to myself—so life tends to get really cluttered with things to do and people to talk to very quickly. (Anyone else ever looked up at 3 or 4 in the afternoon and realized that you failed to eat lunch? C’mon! I know I’m not the ONLY one).

So I’ve decided to plan 30-minutes in the middle of my to pray Monday through Friday, just so I can have time regroup and gather my thoughts. I’m posting to this to make you all my accountability partners. This is just a tiny step in the right direction.

I’ll come back at the end of May with a report on how I did and other techniques to carving out time for self-care that I gather as well.

What are you making room for?

How are you planning to make room for what your soul needs?

Tell me in the comments below.

Oh, and no, I don’t own the rights to this song. Jonathan McReynolds, please don’t sue me. 🙏🏾

—Sincerely, Tyra

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